Güral Premier allows its guests to use all communication channels so that they can easily transfer their feedback to the Guest Line. Every feedback sent to the Guest Line is recorded and stored in the system with a special reference number. While reviewing the feedback, we act according to the principles of impartiality and guest satisfaction.
It is aimed to find solutions in a short time and in accordance with quality standards upon review. Our guests will be contacted regarding the feedback they provided. Feedback from our guests guides us to take actions to increase customer satisfaction from our services.
The information that our guests have submitted to our website for sharing satisfaction / complaints / suggestions cannot be viewed by other internet users. This information will not be used for e-mail and SMS (text message) communication to our guests. Unauthorized access of our guests to the information shared with us, including Güral Premier personnel, is restricted.
Güral Premier will not share such information with any third party, institution or organization unless it is approved by our guests or under a legal obligation. In order to protect the privacy of the personal data of our guests, Güral Premier System and internet infrastructure are kept at the most reliable level and necessary measures are taken.
Best regards, // Güral Premier Family
Only your complaints, suggestions and thank-you messages are reviewed on Güral Premier Guest Line.